
Delete Espn Account

Delete Espn Account: ESPN company was founded in 1979 by Bill Rasmussen and is the world famous sports channel broadcasting in 37 countries.

Owned by Disney, is the digital arm of the sports media group providing updates, news, videos, fantasy sports and statistics.

The website allows the user to create or edit their account information, watch or read sports-related events on their channels, and leave comments on their websites.



How To Delete ESPN Account

You can delete your Espn account on the website. To do this, log in to with your username and password.

– Click on the profile in the upper right corner.
– Click “ESPN Profile” from the drop down menu.
– Scroll down the page and click “Delete Account“.
– The following explanation will come out.

“By deleting your account, you will no longer be able to log in to any of the websites, mobile apps, or other online services of the Walt Disney Family of Businesses that use a Disney Account, and you will not be able to use your account to access any associated purchases, credits, points, rewards, plans, content or other benefits you may have.

Deleting your account may not cancel all paid subscriptions you have with The Walt Disney Company – please be sure to cancel any paid subscriptions you no longer wish to continue by contacting Disney Guest Services

– After reading the description, click on the “Yes, delete this account” button.


Your account has been deleted.
Please note that it may take up to 14 days to complete your account deletion request, and you will not be able to create a new account using your email address during that time. Some information may be retained as described in our Privacy Policy. If this was done in error, or if you have any questions, please contact Disney Guest Services for assistance.