delete photomath account

Delete Photomath Account

Delete Photomath Account: Photomath is a mobile application defined as a “camera calculator” that uses a phone’s camera to recognize mathematical equations and display the step-by-step solution on the screen. Learn how to solve math problems, check homework, and study upcoming exams and ACT / SATs with the world’s most used math learning resource. Available for free on Google Android and iOS


Scan instantly text AND hand-written math problems using your device’s camera, or write and edit equations with our scientific calculator. Photomath divides every math problem into simple, easy-to-understand steps so you can really understand the basic concepts and answer them with confidence.


Textbook scanning (printing) AND handwritten questions
Scientific calculator
Step-by-step explanations for each solution
Multiple decoding methods
No internet connection required
Support 30 languages
Interactive graphics


Basic Mathematics / Preliminary Algebra: arithmetic, integers, fractions, decimal numbers, exponential numbers, roots, factors
Algebra: linear equations / inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of equations, logarithms, functions, matrices, graphics, polynomials
Trigonometry / Advanced algebra: identities, conic sections, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, sequences and series, logarithmic functions
Calculus: limits, derivatives, integrals, curve drawings
Statistics: Combinations, factorial

Our in-house team of experienced mathematics educators also partner with teachers around the world to make sure we use the most effective, contemporary teacher methodologies in our math engines.



How To Delete Photomath Account

Open the Photomath app and follow the steps of “Menu> Show Profile> Edit Profile> Delete Profile> Delete“.


how to delete photomath account
how to delete photomath account

Your account will be deleted in a week.