Delete Schoology Account
Delete Schoology Account: Schoology is a social networking service and virtual learning environment for K-12 schools and higher education institutions that allow members to create, manage and share academic content.
How To Delete Schoology Account
Basic Users:
Teachers, parents and students with basic Schoology accounts can delete their account by going to after logging into the account they want to delete. Deleting an account removes all submissions, resources, and content associated with the account, and neither the account nor items can be restored.
Note: Teachers must delete the lessons and groups they created before deleting their accounts. All users must be removed from the registered courses and separated from the groups in which they are registered. Learn more about deleting courses and leaving courses and groups.
Deleting Courses
To delete parts of a course:
– Click “Courses” at the top.
– Click on “My Courses“.
– Click the gear icon to the right of the section you want to delete. If no gear is visible, click on the course name. Below, a list of blue section titles should be displayed, each with the gear icon to the right.
– Click “Delete“.
Leaving the Course
If you want to leave a course, the teacher (course manager) must remove you from the course. Please contact the teacher personally or send a message to the course manager via Schoology
Leave the Group
If you want to leave a group, click the group profile and click the Leave this group link at the bottom of the left menu.
Corporate Accounts
Teachers, parents, and students at a school or organization with an Enterprise edition of Schoology should speak to System Administrators for help managing their accounts. Accounts disabled by System Administrator can be restored if necessary.