Delete Xing Account
Delete Xing Account: XING was founded in August 2003 by Lars Hinrichs. The social media platform had more than 11 million users in more than 200 countries as of May 2012. The majority of XING users (more then 80%) are employed full-time and more than 40% of its members hold managerial positions. More than 60% have received a university degree. The majority of users are men. XING is well represented in most industries, with 12% of the members in the information technology (IT) field. About 90% of the premium members visit the site on a regular basis. XING’s headquarters is in Hamburg, Germany, but it also has offices in Barcelona, Milan, Istanbul and Beijing. Anyway, it’s none of our business. We start the Xing account deletion process
How to Delete Xing Account
– After logging in to, click on the link and click “Continue” on the screen that opens.
– “Delete profile
Before deleting your profile, please read the following so you make an informed decision.
What happens if you delete your profile:
-Your XING profile and data (e.g. contacts and personal messages) will be permanently deleted in full. Perhaps you’d like to request and download a data disclosure report before deleting your profile.
-Anything you posted in other members’ personal areas, e.g. private messages, won’t be deleted. Your name will be removed, however.
-If you made your profile available to search engines such as Google, it may take a while for it to be removed. Please contact the search engine operator for further details.
After reading the information, I read and accept the results of deleting my profile. We read the option and confirm the next box and press the “Continue” button again.
– We indicate the reason for deletion and continue.

– We came to the last step. Click “Delete Profile” button to delete our account