How to Delete Behance Account
Behance is a site and service network that specializes in self-promotion, including consulting and online portfolio sites. If you think How to Delete Behance Account, then continue reading our article.
To delete your Behance account, please click on your avatar at the top right corner of Click Account Settings and select the “Delete Account” tab. There you will have the option of deleting your account.
Please note before you do this:
Your account is deleted IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENT.
All content belonging to your account will be deleted.
Comments, messages, discussion articles, etc. All of your information, including data, will be permanently and irrevocably deleted.
You cannot access your profile and any projects you own.
Deleting your Behance account does not delete your Adobe Portfolio site or your work on your Adobe Portfolio site.
PLEASE NOTE: Deleting your Behance account does not cancel paid memberships associated with your account. If you’re trying to cancel Adobe Talent, Adobe Portfolio, or other Adobe memberships, please log in to and manage the membership you’re trying to cancel.