
Nonolive Account Deletion

Nonolive Account Deletion: Nonolive live broadcast is a social network. You can watch how others show their talents and how they broadcast the user’s life. It offers the opportunity to meet new people, chat, discover, watch live videos and send gifts.

Nonolive Subscription Cancellation

You need to cancel your nonolive subscription before closing your account.

Unsubscribe from Google Play Store
– Open Google Play Store
– Confirm that you are logged into the correct Google account
– Tap Menu Subscriptions
– Choose Babbel subscription
– Tap Unsubscribe

How To Delete Nonolive Account

There is no option on the nonolive site or app to cancel the nonolive account. I have provided feedback on the app to delete all information about your account. However, they did not return, nor did they delete my account. On their site, they reported that the nonolive account will not be deleted.

If You Signed In to Nonolive Using a Google Account:
– Login to Google Account
– Go to connected apps and sites in the left-hand navigation; apps linked to this account will be listed
– Select “Manage applications”
– Select the app you want to uninstall and click uninstall
– This app will no longer have access to your account

If you are logged into Nonolive using Facebook:
– Click “Settings” on your Facebook profile
– Press “Applications” on the left side of the screen
– Press the “x” icon next to the service you want to remove