
Splitwise Account Deletion

Splitwise is an app that determines who pays how much you share your spending with family or friends. Users use Splitwise for travel expenses, home expenses, paid bills and more. If you want to close your Splitwise account, we will help you with our Splitwise account deletion article.

However, before proceeding with the Splitwise Account closure steps, let’s write some of our features while using our account.

Splitwise.com Features:

– Loans and IOUs between friends
– Add costs, EPs or informal debts with offline login support
– Then follow who should pay or settle by recording cash payments or using our integrations
– Weddings and bachelor parties
– Group trips around the world
– Expenses are backed up online so anyone can log in, view their balances and add expenses
– Create group or private friendships for any division situation
– Couples sharing relationship costs
– Dividing a holiday home for skiing or beach
– Roommate who divides rent and apartment bills
– Friends and colleagues who often go out for lunch or dinner together


How To Delete Splitwise Account

Open the e-mail account you used to register with the Splitwise application.
Enter support@splitwise.com email address. Write and send an email with the subject “Splitwise Account Deletion”