close classdojo account

Delete ClassDojo Account

Delete ClassDojo Account: ClassDojo is an educational technology communication app and website. Connects primary school teachers, students and families through a feed for photos and videos from school day and communication features such as messaging used in more than 35 languages ​​and used in 180 countries

Featured ClassDojo Features

Teachers can encourage students with any skill such as “Hard work” and “Team work”
* Teachers can take parents for classroom experience by sharing photos, videos and announcements
* Teachers can also securely and instantly message to any parent
* Parents can see their kids’ home updates as well as streaming photos and videos from the school

ClassDojo helps teachers to create a positive classroom culture by encouraging students to communicate with their parents.

ClassDojo is free for everyone, and teachers, parents, students and school leaders from more than 180 countries have joined it. Works on all devices like tablets, phones and smart boards.



How To Delete ClassDojo Account

ClassDojo School Authority or Teacher Account Deletion

Log in to the website, click on the profile in the upper right corner, then click on “account settings> advanced“.

After reading the “This will remove all information about you, your classes, and your students. Once deleted, your account can’t be recovered” warning, enter “delete“, then your password and click “Delete account“. Your ClassDojo account has been deleted.


ClassDojo Parent Account Deletion

Log on to the website and click on “Profile> profil settings> delete your account” respectively.


Delete ClassDojo Account
Delete ClassDojo Account

Enter your password and click the “delete your account” button. Your ClassDojo account has been deleted.

ClassDojo Student Account Deletion

Log in to the website and click on “Profile> delete account” respectively. Click “delete” in the window that opens

Your ClassDojo account has been deleted.