
How To Delete N26 Account

N26; It is an online mobile bank with more than 5 million customers in seventeen countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Slovakia. We help you close your N26 account with “How to Delete N26 Account”

Delete N26 Account

Here are a few things to consider before closing your N26 account:

If you have excess funds to close your N26 account quickly, first withdraw your remaining balance or transfer it to another location. An IBAN within SEPA is also needed to transfer your remaining balance. Add your account if you have a negative balance.

All outstanding fees will be paid immediately. This includes express delivery and charges related to the N26 You or N26 Metal.

To cancel your N26 account, send your request via live chat or by e-mail to that says “Please permanently delete my N26 account“. Also, add your name and N26 number in the e-mail.

Destroy your cards after your account is deleted. The magnetic strip, NFC antenna and Chip should all be cut into pieces and discarded separately.