Spicy, Finally, Disco Account Deletion
In this article we will talk about how to delete Spicy Video Chat (lesbian), Finally Video Chat (single over 50) and Disco Video Chat (gay) accounts prepared by jaumo team. We’ll cover them all under Spicy, Finally, Disco Account Deletion, because the way they’re deleted is exactly the same.
Sign in to the app in which you’d like to delete your account
– After logging in to the application, we click “Profile > Settings > Account” and then click “Delete Account”
– “Delete Account – Do you want to cancel your membership and delete the user account? This action cannot be undone. The data will be deleted completely.”
– He says yes and we go to the next step.
– On the next screen we select “I found a partner” (they don’t ask many questions when you select this option)
– We don’t need to write anything on the other screen to help us improve. We continue with the “Save” option.
Spicy, Finally, Disco Account Deletion
– Account has been deleted.