Delete WebMoney Keeper Account
Delete WebMoney Keeper Account: WebMoney was established in Moscow in 1998 as an international payment system. WebMoney has become one of the online banks that people use to do their international transactions today. The funds of WebMoney users are stored in a “wallet” that holds the electronic money corresponding to an underlying asset such as a currency.
Before You Delete Your WebMoney Account:
Transfer your remaining balance to another account before deleting your WebMoney account. Note that you cannot reach your account balance by deleting your account.
You must pay your loans and debts before the account is deleted.
If you have filed a complaint or have a dispute about WebMoney Company, follow the complaints before you start deleting your WebMoney account.
How To Delete WebMoney Account
Send our Webmoney account email to with the subject “Delete WebMoney Keeper Account” and the text “Please delete my WebMoney Keeper account“.
Another option is to send a ticket. After logging on to the site, click on the link address. In the form below, select “WebMoney Technical Support“, write your information, indicate that you want to delete your account and submit.
After sending, an e-mail with a link is sent to the registered e-mail address. To process your appeal, you need to click on it. Otherwise, your appeal will not be considered.
After confirming your Webmoney account, the deletion process will start seven days.
Can I recover a deleted WebMoney account?
If you stop deleting your account, you can cancel the deletion within seven days. You can cancel from the link given to you in the notification. Otherwise, the account will be permanently closed.