How To Delete Asos Account
ASOS plc, a British fashion and cosmetics retailer, was founded in London in 2000 and its primary target was for young adults. The website includes products from its own accessories and clothing range, as well as over 850 brands, from 196 countries to completion centers in the UK, USA and the EU. We help you to delete your account opened on site, which allows you to order online, with the article “How to Delete Asos Account“.
Delete Asos Account
To delete our account on our Asos account site or application, we will send a message and request it to be deleted. To access the message page as soon as possible, log in first and click on the link
– In the page that opens, select “Techinal” and then “I’m having trouble logging in“.
– In the form that opens, type the desired information and type “please delete my asos account” in the section titled “Any further info you can give us ” and click the “SEND” button.