Delete ICQ Account
Delete ICQ Account: ICQ is a program you can download that informs you that your friends and contacts are also online. ICQ allows you to put them on your page, chat with them, and launch and join PC-to-PC calls, PC-to-phone and phone-to-phone calling cards. According to, the instant messaging platform is used by 11 million people worldwide every month.
Featured ICQ Application Features
• Voice and video calls
Make your calls on ICQ to avoid running out of balance on your phone: make voice and video calls as large groups or one-to-one.
• Suggests stikers
What is the need to write if it is possible to send a sticker? ICQ suggests the most suitable messages depending on the speech content.
• Recommends answers
“ICQ analyzes what you have written and offers you ready answers.
or “OK”, “Thank you”, “I will” when simple answer is required. ”
• Explains voicemail messages
Read if you can’t listen to your voicemail. ICQ translates voicemails into text messages – so it will save you in the subway, lectures, meeting, or when you forget the headset.
• Channels, chats, bots
Subscribe to interesting channels, create group conversations and stay in touch with friends and use bots that make your life easier.
• Too many available nicknames
Choose to choose a beautiful nickname with your name and surname. Privacy benefit – no need to share phone number.
• Masks and video calls
Wear a masker when you are bored without talking. We made 30 animated 3D masks with accustomed and different themes.
• Videos and photos without compression
If you want to share beautiful and quality pictures and videos, send them without compression. If the quality is not important, the file will be delivered in a few seconds.
Synchronization between devices
You can see your conversations, contacts and channels on all devices. All your conversations and information will even appear on your new phone, so you don’t need to make any backups.
Why ICQ Failed
The main reason for this was that MSN Messenger came preinstalled with new versions of Windows.
How Do I Delete My ICQ Account
I couldn’t find an option to delete your ICQ account in the mobile app but log in to and click “Security” then “Delete my account“. Click the “SEND SMS” button on the screen that opens. Type the code that comes to your phone and click the “Delete” button. Your ICQ account has been deleted.