Delete Myntra Account

How To Delete Myntra Account

Offering one stop shop for all your lifestyle needs, Myntra is an Indian e-commerce site. Myntra has a wide range of brands and products with apparel, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and so on. aims to provide shopping experience under categories. For some reason, if you’ve decided that you don’t want to use your Mnytra account anymore, our article How to delete Myntra account will help you.

Delete Myntra Account

– Log in to the website or open the Myntra app from your phone.

– When you open Myntra application via mobile application, click on the menu on the top left and select “Contact Us” from the drop-down menu. “Other => I have an issue with the mobile app => Contact Us“. Contact Us Email Us, Call Now, Call Me Back offers 3 options. You can use one of them if you want.

– If you are using a web browser, click Click “Non-order Related Issues” on the left side of the window that opens. Then click on the “Other => I have an issue with the mobile app” tabs respectively.

“Sorry! We are not able to recommend a solution. Please get in touch using the Contact Us option below ”

– Contact Us Email Us, Call Now, Call Me Back offers 3 options.

– We select Email Us and we write “please delete myntra account permanently” and click “SEND MAIL” button.

How To Delete Myntra Account
How To Delete Myntra Account

– In response to our deletion request, they sent a mail asking for our username and reason for deletion.


We’re sorry to wish to disable your Myntra account. I hope this is not due to the dissatisfaction of the service.

Please share the details below so that we can fulfill this request.

1) Customer Name: –
2) Reason for Deactivation * (required): –

Thank you for choosing Myntra as your shopping point. ”

“Thank you for helping.
My username is *******

My reason for deleting my account is that I won’t be shopping on any website ”

We answered the mail.

Myntra account closure
Myntra account closure

– Another option was to send an email directly to about deleting an account, but Myntra doesn’t accept it.